
contraceptive implant

A contraceptive implant is a small plastic tube which is placed under your skin, usually of the arm. Like the pill, it contains a progestogen hormone, which is released into the blood very gradually. The contraceptive implant can stay in the arm for three years.

Operation of the implant 

The best-known contraceptive implant is Implanon. The contraceptive implant is as effective as the pill. It works the same way, preventing ovulation, making it more difficult for sperm to enter the uterus, and making the inside lining of the uterus thinner.

Advantages of the contraceptive implant

  • the contraceptive implant does not interfere with sex
  • the contraceptive implant cannot be forgotten, like the pill

Disadvantages of the contraceptive implant

  • the contraceptive implant must be inserted
  • bleeding is usually lighter but more irregular
  • side-effects of the contraceptive implant may be the same as with the pill

Insertion of the contraceptive implant

The contraceptive implant is inserted on the first day of the period, or three weeks after the birth of a baby. The contraceptive implant is immediately effective. Breast-feeding is no problem. The contraceptive implant is inserted by a trained physician or nurse. A local anaesthetic is usually applied. The contraceptive implant does not interfere with any activity of the arm.

Removal of the contraceptive implant

After three years the contraceptive implant must be removed and replaced by a new one. Again this requires a local anaesthetic.

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